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Creating transformative change for individuals, groups, and families

Our Projects

Village Connect is proud to support many projects that have a local, national, and international impact.


Learn more about some of our projects below.

Celebrate Blackness 365 (CB365)

This year, Village-Connect is very excited and proud of presenting a new all-year-long campaign entitled, Celebrate Blackness365. This campaign surrounds our movement of Village HUGS (Help Us Grow and Succeed).

This movement will build a community that wants to encourage one another while utilizing social media to increase community positive energy and mindfulness. We can collectively stand up, be counted, and get the support needed whereby self-empowerment and self-love evolve into optimal community health, and a culture of caring and sharing.

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Culture Connect Us

Through story, personal dialogue and creative pursuits, the Culture Connects Us documentary film dives into America’s melting pot, dissecting diverse cultures from a perspective that hopes to reveal false narratives and beliefs that, albeit in a technologically connected world, separate us.


We are seeking people like you to participate in the development of our upcoming empowerment documentary about diversity!


Keep scrolling to read and learn more about the project and the amazing team making it possible. We look forward to hearing about your experiences and your perspective.

Return to Black Wall Street

Return to Black Wall Street is an educational series that provides an introduction to the practical steps individuals need to take in order to establish, build and successfully manage a cooperative enterprise.

These teachings will address basic legal and structural questions about starting and running a cooperative business. More significantly, the training includes shifting the mindset in order to adhere to the basic principles that move from the "me" attitude to the "we" perspective of equal ownership. and more democratic operating systems.

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